Sister Mary Clouser (formerly Sister Mary Roger)

“Wow! Sixty years as a Sister of Saint Joseph of Rochester! It doesn’t seem possible but it’s the truth.

“I first met the Sisters of Saint Joseph as a young girl growing up in the tiny village of Piffard, just down the road from the Abbey of the Genesee. Every summer, the Sisters would come to the valley to catechize. While attending the classes I became a teacher’s aide for Sister Nazarius and Sister Teresa Singer who were assigned to teach at St. Raphael’s in Piffard. Oh, how I loved the Sisters! They have been a part of my life ever since.

“During my four years at St. Agnes High School I continued to experience their love, kindness, joyfulness, and unwavering service to others. I knew then that God was calling me to embark on a full life of service to God and to the dear neighbor.

“My ministries these past60 years have been in both education and health care. My 27 years serving in education ran the gamut–elementary, middle, and high school. I also had the opportunity to serve as an elementary school Principal and Assistant High School Principal. After studying physical therapy, I ministered in healthcare for 15 years as a Physical Therapist Assistant. After coordinating our move to our French Road Motherhouse, I ministered to and for our resident Sisters and now enjoy my ministry of prayer and presence with our Sisters and staff.

“My loving God has surely blest me in abundance. As Jimmy Stewart would say, ‘It is a wonderful life!’”