Sister Diane Muldoon (formerly Sister Celina)

“My first eight years in ministry I taught at Holy Rosary, St Mary's in Elmira and Sacred Heart Cathedral schools. I enjoyed parish life and would have been content to continue teaching for the rest of my career. One of the first works of the Sisters of Saint Joseph was caring for children and I was to continue this work.

“The Lord had another plan for me. I was asked to go to St. Joseph's Villa for one year which really turned into 49 rich years! I started as a Housemother for eight emotionally disturbed young boys. My former life of teaching came in very handy as my boys needed love, structure and direction. Every day was a new adventure in living.

“At that time, we had 18 Sisters of Saint Joseph and a very dedicated lay staff. We worked closely together and learned so much from each other. As one of my Recreation staff said, ‘These were the days of the giants.’

“As life continued to evolve, I was asked to become Director of Support Services. I took some courses and educated myself in my new role. I interacted with clients and staff and worked with many people of integrity.

“In retirement, I volunteered at Nazareth Elementary School and our Motherhouse. I am now living at our Motherhouse and enjoying time for prayer and visiting with our Sisters.

“My life has been rich in service to the people of God and I am forever grateful!”