Our Mission & Vision Statements

Spirituality, Service, & Community

Mission Statement

We, the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Rochester, share in the reconciling mission of Jesus, to heal brokenness and to unite all people with God and with one another.

Making no distinction among people, we strive to alleviate suffering and injustice, to encourage people to develop and use their gifts for the good of society, and to accompany those who search for a deeper union with God.

The Spirit calls us to respond to the needs of our times with a diversity of gifts. Faithful to the Gospel, and reflecting upon tradition and experience, we are empowered by God for our service through prayer, life in community, and the people among whom we minister.

As a Congregation of women religious in the Catholic Church, we strive to serve joyfully, in a spirit of zeal, gentleness and love.

Vision Statement

As Sisters of Saint Joseph of Rochester, we know that God is the center of our lives, present and active in us and in the world, we are called to serve.

Believing this: In a time of increasing isolation and individualism,

We live community, not only with our sisters but with others, and in harmony with the earth;

In an age of consumerism,

We use our resources generously and providently, living simply and sharing with others, while supporting the members, ministries and needs of the Congregation;

In a time when societal structures promote indifference to human needs,

We work to release the gifts in ourselves and others, so that we can respond to the needs of this time in diverse and effective ways.